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[TCP/IP stackP2P之UDP穿透NAT的原理与实现(附源代码)

Description: P2P之UDP穿透NAT的原理与实现 两个局域网内的机器通过公网直连的程序-P2P Zhi UDP penetrate NAT Principle and the two machines within the LAN through public networks Direct Connect procedures
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: 大雨点 | Hits:


Description: vc写的穿透NAT例子。很不错 又说明文件-vc write NAT example of penetration. Also very good note
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: 赵涤 | Hits:


Description: P2P优秀论文集锦(三)-P2P excellent essays Collection (3)
Platform: | Size: 4308992 | Author: 张琳 | Hits:


Description: 一个采用Winsock实现P2P的例子,可以帮助了解P2P的原理。-using a peer-to-peer Winsock example, can help us understand the tenets of P2P.
Platform: | Size: 5036032 | Author: 潘伟琛 | Hits:


Description: 经常有对P2P原理的讨论,但是讨论归讨论,很少有实质的东西产生(源代码)。在这里我就用自己实现的一个VC源代码来说明UDP穿越NAT的原理。-often principle of peer-to-peer discussions, but the discussions under discussion, with little substantive things have (source code). Here, I used one of its own to achieve VC source code to illustrate the UDP Through NAT principle.
Platform: | Size: 30720 | Author: 何智峰 | Hits:


Description: 一个P2P穿越NAT的源代码 在网上看到的,很有实践意义-through a peer-to-peer NAT source code on the Internet to see, very practical significance
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: | Hits:

[Internet-NetworkP2P之UDP穿透NAT的原理与实现源代码 .r

Description: P2P之UDP穿透NAT的原理与实现源代码,有VC实现的网络编程-P2P UDP penetrate NAT Zhi Theory and implementation of the source code, the VC Network Programming
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: steven | Hits:


Description: P2P穿越防火墙 代码 ,作为P2P开发中的配套代码.-P2P Firewall traversal code, P2P development as the matching code. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Platform: | Size: 289792 | Author: | Hits:

[Software Engineering200612.1

Description: P2P穿透NAT的一次探讨和局部实现,希望有兴趣的同志可以在此基础上真正实现peertopeer!-P2P NAT a penetrating exploration and partial realization, hope that the comrades are interested in the real basis of this realization peertopeer!
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: 叶盼盼 | Hits:


Description: P2P之UDP穿透NAT的原理与实现,希望对初学者有帮助.-P2P UDP penetrate NAT's Principle and realize, and I hope to help beginners.
Platform: | Size: 1987584 | Author: lixtt | Hits:


Description: P2P之UDP穿透NAT的原理与实现,包括客户端和服务端,以及相关技术文档-P2P UDP penetrate NAT's Theory and Implementation, including the client and server, and the relevant technical documentation
Platform: | Size: 35840 | Author: 张梁 | Hits:


Description: NAT打洞,原理和源代码 P2P之UDP穿透NAT的原理与实现(附源代码)-NAT burrows, and the principle and source code P2P UDP penetrate NAT's Theory and Implementation (source code)
Platform: | Size: 289792 | Author: | Hits:


Description: P2P 之 UDP穿透NAT的原理与实现(附源代码) 原创:shootingstars 参考:http://midcom-p2p.sourceforge.net/draft-ford-midcom-p2p-01.txt baidu 论坛上经常有对P2P原理的讨论,但是讨论归讨论,很少有实质的东西产生(源代码)。呵呵,在这里我就用自己实现的一个源代码来说明UDP穿越NAT的原理。 首先先介绍一些基本概念: NAT(Network Address Translators),网络地址转换:网络地址转换是在IP地址日益缺乏的情况下产生的,它的主要目的就是为了能够地址重用。NAT分为两大类,基本的NAT和NAPT(Network Address/Port Translator)。 最开始NAT是运行在路由器上的一个功能模块。 最先提出的是基本的NAT,它的产生基于如下事实:一个私有网络(域)中的节点中只有很少的节点需要与外网连接(呵呵,这是在上世纪90年代中期提出的)。那么这个子网中其实只有少数的节点需要全球唯一的IP地址,其他的节点的IP地址应该是可以重用的。 因此,基本的NAT实现的功能很简单,在子网内使用一个保留的IP子网段,这些IP对外是不可见的。子网内只有少数一些IP地址可以对应到真正全球唯一的IP地址。如果这些节点需要访问外部网络,那么基本NAT就负责将这个节点的子网内IP转化为
Platform: | Size: 55296 | Author: little3388 | Hits:


Description: Nat打洞技术,使用UDP协议,用于P2P点对点通信.-Nat holes technology, the use of UDP protocol for P2P peer-to-peer communication.
Platform: | Size: 4278272 | Author: leafxt | Hits:


Description: 关于UDP穿透NAT的中文资料在网络上是很少的,仅有<<P2P之UDP穿透NAT的原理与实现(shootingstars)>>这篇文章有实际的参考价值。本人近两年来也一直从事P2P方面的开发工作,比较有代表性的是个人开发的BitTorrent下载软件 - FlashBT(变态快车). 对P2P下载或者P2P的开发感兴趣的朋友可以访问软件的官方主页: http://www.hwysoft.com/chs/ 下载看看,说不定有收获。写这篇文章的主要目的是懒的再每次单独回答一些网友的提问, 一次性写下来, 即节省了自己的时间,也方便了对于P2P的UDP穿透感兴趣的网友阅读和理解。-err
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: 石富旬 | Hits:

[Web ServerP2P-nat-UDP

Description: 是个非常简单的网路程序,只是演示如何进行UDP的内网穿透而已。本人所作的修改 主要是在测试UDP穿透不同的NAT时为了方便使用而已。因此改动也不大,加了一个函数和几参数, 多打印了原来没有的一些信息,如此而已。看源码吧-Is a very simple network procedures, only demonstrate how to conduct UDP penetrating the inner network only. I made changes to mainly UDP in testing different NAT penetration in order to facilitate the use of only. So not much changes, the addition of a function and several parameters of the original print no more than some of the information, that. Look at source code you
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: lzp | Hits:


Description: 很好用的udp穿透nat的程序代码,是两个在nat后的pc可以直接通讯。-Udp good use of the program code penetration nat is nat after two in the pc can communicate directly.
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: 扬载伦 | Hits:


Description: P2P 之 UDP穿透NAT的原理与实现(附源代码)-P2P penetrate NAT of UDP Principle and realize (with source code)
Platform: | Size: 4198400 | Author: c_xinhui | Hits:


Description: 网络传输模块总要 NAT类型不同传输方式不同采用不同的方法进行NAT穿越。-Network transmission module total to NAT type transmission in different ways using different methods across NAT.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: yuxiqian | Hits:


Description: TCP实现P2P通信、TCP穿越NAT。 TCP 实现P2P通信、TCP穿越NAT。-TCP to achieve P2P traffic, TCP across NAT. TCP to achieve P2P traffic, TCP through the NAT. TCP to achieve P2P traffic, TCP through the NAT.
Platform: | Size: 88064 | Author: yydy1983 | Hits:
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